lifestyle, Uncategorized

Being INTENTIONAL about the life I want for myself

INTENTION.. I know we all know the word, but what does it really mean?

To put it simply, it is to have an aim, or a plan.

If you are intentional, something is deliberate or done on purpose.

I guess the reason this word has been on my mind is because I’ve been thinking about my life, my happiness and the person I envision myself being.. and let me tell ya, right now I am not that person. And if we have a goal in mind, and keep doing the same thing, how the heck do we expect to reach that goal?!

So the first thing I asked myself is what do I see for my future, well present really, and what steps do I need to take to get there, that I’m not currently doing?

Mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually; who do I want to be? This is different for all of us, and we all have different goals and ideas of who we want to be or how we imagine our lives.. how we define success.. and what makes us happy. But I think the way to get wherever we each want to is overall the same. And that is to be intentional.

So what will I be implementing into my life in order to be more intentional and reach the goals I’ve set for myself? 

What can we do to change our current cycle? 

1. Set goals 

How are you meant to reach a goal without even knowing what that goal is!? Get a journal and write down who you want to change and what you need to get there. 

2. Take accountability

Be honest with yourself about the decisions you make for yourself and how they affect who you are and where you are heading. This may mean cutting some people off.. unfollowing some social media accounts.. Saying NO. Setting boundaries! **this is another whole topic I will be posting about soon**


It’s one thing to write down your goals and to acknowledge what you need to subtract or add to your life in order to reach them… but putting them into action is what will make all the difference in reaching them! 

If you want to save money; writing it down isn’t going to just make it happen. Make a list of your expenses and create a budget. 

If you want to eat healthier, have a meal plan and buy your groceries in advance. The list can go on and let me know if this is something you want me to go more in depth with based on your own goals!

These are just my top 3 tips based on what I’m currently trying to implement into my own life, but we are all different. Let me know in the comments if there’s something you would add or if you try these things too!

I am going to make a follow up post in a few weeks to update you guys on how I’m going and I hope you let me know as well! Being consistent is key. I know it’s easier said than done, but each day we have a choice whether to be proactive and head towards our goals, or take the easy way out. I hope like me, you choose yourself, you choose your worth and the life you see for yourself which you DESERVE! We all deserve abundance in our lives. 

Tune into my YouTube because I will be making a video going more in depth on how I’m implementing these into my own life. 

You are created with love and purpose 💕

Catch you soon, 

Dee xxxx

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